Organise a family board game night

Get the family together for a board game night.

Playing board games is a fun family activity that helps family members connect and spend quality time together.

There are other benefits too, of course the family gets to spend quality time together but kids get the opportunity to practice and learn number, word and social skills involving communication, taking turns, sharing and simply enjoying the company of others.

Prepare for your family board game night.

To make your family board game night fun and give it the best chance to become a regular family activity simply, be prepared.

Choose a game or games that suit everyone, take into account age and abilities and whether they have played board games before. We have suggested some games below to help you get started.

Read the rules and give the game a practice run before you introduce it to everyone – being familiar with the board game components and rules means there is little downtime and everyone can start having fun quicker.

Although learning a new game and introducing it to other players may seem like a challenge just consider the first time you may have played classic board games such as Monopoly or Risk, they needed time to learn and a number of plays before fully enjoying the game – but it was always great to have someone to learn from and teach you how to play.

Good family board games to consider introducing to the family are generally easy to learn and quick to play.

When choosing family board games check the recommended age because they're a guide for how appropriate the content will be for certain ages.

Please keep in mind even though a board game is recommended for a eight-year-old they may need adult help – which is a good thing anyway and our board games are for family or friends to play together, it's a lot more fun for everyone.

If a game says 6+ then it is most likely appropriate for kids to learn and play without too much adult supervision. If a game says 8+, then children will need adults to teach and be involved. If you are purchasing a board game for 14-year-olds + they can most likely handle learning themselves, with some adult assistance if required, although we suggest learning and with them.

We like the idea that family board games encourage children and adults to play and spend quality time together and that is always good.